
Courses taught by Professor Lindgren

Academic Year 2024-2025

Fall 2024: On leave

Spring 2025:

NRS 250: Neuroscience: Foundations, Future, and Fallacies (Lecture)

This course introduces the historical and theoretical foundations of neuroscience. Topics will range broadly from questions at the molecular and cellular level to those of organismal behavior; and consideration will be given to how traditional disciplines such as biology, chemistry, and psychology have helped inform the field. The course will trace the development of neuroscience, considering both its successes and failures, as a means for appreciating its future directions.

BIO 363: Neurobiology (Lecture and Lab)

This course examines the structure, function, and development of the nervous system. Cellular and molecular mechanisms are emphasized and examples are drawn from throughout the animal kingdom.


Previous courses taught:

BIO 150: Introduction to Biological Inquiry – The Language of Neurons

BIO 251: Molecules, Cells and Organisms.

BIO 364: Animal Physiology

BIO 390: Readings in Biology – Optogenetics

NRS 195: Brain Science and the Human Animal (Liberal Arts in Prison Program)

NRS 495: Neuroscience Seminar

TUT 100: First-Year Tutorial – Criminal Brains